1. Login.
Login to your PayPal account at
2.verify credit card information.
Click link a card and link your debit or credit card of choice.
3. verify bank information.
Click link a bank account for extra flexibility.
4.PayPal account status ✓
That's it you're all set and ready to go shopping.

Dear Customer, Your Ρaypal account has been limited because we've noticed significant changes in your account activity. As your payment processor, we need to understand these changes better.

This account limitation will affect your ability to:

Why my account access is Iimited.
We noticed some unusual log in activity with your account. Please confirm your account to help us check that no one has logged into your account without your permission.
  • Provide the information associated with your account.
  • The sooner your provide the information we need, the sooner we can resolve the situation.
  • Remove Limitation

